Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Watch: Targeted Individuals - Enemy Arsenal Targeting & Our Power to Overcome w Julia Thompson & David Carrico

Always wanting to share videos, articles and such on topics that are all about our Sure Hope. Today I listened/watched a great interview by David Carrico from "Midnight Ride," from Now U See TV.  a pretty interesting You Tube channel, with JuliaThompson who founded Global Awakening Prayer.  She was a victim of the targeted individual agenda or program. Not sure what to call it. All /i know that as strange as it sounds, we've done enough research, that it is clearly a very real type of warfare. The best way I can explain it is, electronic mind  warfare. Some agency is able to actually put thoughts and feelings into targeted individuals. This woman was saved out of it by God. I suggest watching her speak because clearly she is very real, of sound mind and not making this stuff up.

Thought it was a good idea to share this lady's interview not so much because of the talk about Electronic warfare, but because of her testimony and very inspiring Christ focused words. And if you are someone experience the symptoms talked about and in search of Sure Hope then please hear what she has to say.

Want to know more first? Here is A brief video talking about "Targeted Individuals." 
Here is a video that explains what it means.
 It is worth checking out. But it is the interview below this, that's the reason for this post
Watch This very informative video: 
Enemy Arsenal Targeting & Our Power to Overcome w Julia Thompson & David Carrico 

Extra information about this topic, here is the link to an objective decent non-Christian program by Jesse Ventura called Brain Invaders. Please know we are only sharing the link for extra information.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Waking Up! - WARNING - This Article Is Vital To Know BUT CONTAINS GRAPHIC Content

Walking Way Overrated is about out lives and doesn't just mean talking about the physical disability aspect of them but our lives in general. That means topics we find relevant and want to share. A huge part of who we are is our love for Jesus Christ. We believe the Holy Bible is God's inerrant Word. As a result of our new life in Christ, our convictions are always increasing on what's right or wrong. In recent years we have bee actively researching many subjects such as discovering if certain conspiracy theories are true or not. Seeking truth in daily life matters to us as well as HIS Truth. Now you don't need to be a Christian to feel strongly that human life being valuable at all stages. Once you watch what this fellow below has to share, you will definitely be impacted.

Here is another article about the topic (click here)

Many of us have heard of Planned Parenthood and how they actually tragically, not only murder young babies, but also harvest and sell their body parts off to various companies. The reasons for this horrifying act isn't something I ever looked into, because the whole topic infuriates me so much, I tend to stay away from it, leaving it in God's hands. All things happen for a reason, so yesterday as I was watching a variety of videos on YouTube like I do daily, topics that most people I know are not interested in, up came this one. A fellow warning that the content to his video could be disturbing and was graphic - turn back if you don't want to be disturbed. So why would I watch something so disturbing? Well, it was clear the topic was important for people to know. Even though I had to turn away from the tragic images of murdered babies due to abortion, as shocked and mortified as I was, I knew we had to know this too. Which means, we feel the need to share our discovery with anyone else who wants to learn hard hitting realities. We can boycott companies, pray, educate and just walk awakened, rather than in the dark. So we strongly suggest watching this fellow's youtube video called, "HEK 293 GOOGLE IT And See What It Is. " His channel is called Watchman Jerry Toney.
Here is the Eye Opening Video
If you watched it, once you process this eye opening information, we hope you share what you have learned with others. We definitely are re-evaluating what we buy and eat. Once we learn something like this, it is impossible to just ignore it and say nothing. Our comforting Hope is that all of these wee souls are in Jesus' Hands and that the offenders, criminals who do not repent and turn to Jesus for forgiveness, will receive God's real justice when it is His time. May God wake them all up and stop all of it.

Since this topic is new to us, wanted to confirm what food companies to boycott. That's when I discovered a recent update saying that HEK293 fetal cells are no longer in any foods. Now, I am not sure yet if this is true. It would be great if it is. Here is the link to an article to learn more. Please do your own research before throwing out all your food stuffs. If boycotting made a difference, all the more reason to speak out! 

Friday, November 9, 2018

Video Share: Midnight Ride - The Wizards Of Old And The Great White Brotherhood

Here is the description from their episode from Midnight Ride:
"Join us tonight as we discuss what is coined as the Ascended Master teachings. The Great White lodge is said to house the ancient wizards and teachers who have ascended in spirituality and new age doctrine to become guides for humanity. How does this fit into our world and how has the human race been molded by these beliefs?"

This presentation is not for the faint of heart but for those wanting to learn about false teachings, false religions, the new age, and all the in-between. It is intense and not something you would hear about in church. If you have never researched these topics then give them a watch. It is worth sticking to the end.

Considering Corona Conspiracies Carefully

We just posted a video yesterday about the challenges we experience, especially during these difficult times. But as fluid as life is late...