Friday, December 21, 2018

Russ Dizdar Speaks in Knoxville: Shatter The Darkness Video Conference

No, this is not a light hearted subject but nonetheless, it's a very important one for all believers or interested parties to know about. Why? Because we aren't taught about it in most churches yet, it isa very real strategy of our enemy. Satanic ritual abuse is something we have researched for a long time now. No matter how much we hear, it still is difficult to grasp as a reality. But the trusted sources and God's Word are all we need to trust it is true. The more we know, the Christians can pray for these victims of heinous violations against them. Some are purposefully bred t become these victims, some are snatched and some sacrificed. Only the world of those who worship Lucifer in whatever form that may be, consider this horrific behaviour part of what they need to do to fulfill whatever twisted concept they believe in.

Russ Dizdar from Shatter The Darkness (click here)  and click here for Shatter the Darkness - is a favourite Christian speaker who lives what he says. This message was given a year ago and I  watched it 3 times in one day while I worked on my projects at home. Very eye opening, very powerful! Words we may not want to hear, but should hear. 
Watch Here if you wish.

The bulk of contemporary churches these days are not speaking about the spiritual warfare, the creation of programmed individuals, Satanic super soldiers, the Black Awakening,  Satanic Ritual abuse, mind control, the infiltration of churches by these coven members with the intent of causing the destruction of Christian churches and even Christians. And most horrific of all, we don't hear about the numbers of children being used for unimaginable purposes. I know these topics sound foreign to most of us. We didn't know any of this until recent years. But it feels like it is our duty to share what we learn and leave the choice to listen is up to whoever is meant to hear.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Thoughts On: A Time To Build... A Time To Not Build!? What A Great Idea....

A while ago I drew a picture to illustrate how we can build emotional walls to try to protect our hearts from being hurt. The point being that building walls isn't a good thing to do. No matter how many bricks we put into it, the end result will still be pain,  cold hard hearts and missing out on experiencing the complexities of any relationship...usually involving a risk of disappointment, pain, over rode with enrichment, blessings and life lessons. Based on personal experience from 52 years on the planet,  we need to entrust our hearts to God and let Him fill them with His love to spread to others and work through whatever happens.

Time To Build
That being said, there comes a time when walls may be necessary, literal walls that is. When someone is a danger to society, i.e.: convicted criminals, they are locked behind walls made of bars. If a person is considered highly contagious in a hospital or encampment they are quarantined. Basically that means they are kept within a walled off room or sealed area with some form of barrier.
Submitting To Governing Authorities
In the past couple of years it has been the goal of the American president, Donald Trump to fulfill a campaign promise, to build a border wall between them and Mexico. As a Canadian, I understand wanting a protective wall to keep out people who refuse to honour any country's rules regarding immigration, thus breaking the law and posing a possible threat to vulnerable population.
All my husband I can say is, we may not support everything President Trump says (or our own Prime Minister for that matter) but we respect what he and his voters want. What we don't understand is why he seems to be treated with extreme disrespect by so many who didn't vote for him. Which is why we can totally agree that this next thing is a great idea. An American veteran who has three limbs amputated fighting for a country he loves, recently started a GoFundMe campaign so Americans who want to, can pay for the wall. Here is the page, a pretty neat idea.

I know it is a touchy subject just to mention his name in certain circles, but the Bible says to ...[Rom 13:1-6 NLT] 1 Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God. 2 So anyone who rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and they will be punished. 3 For the authorities do not strike fear in people who are doing right, but in those who are doing wrong. Would you like to live without fear of the authorities? Do what is right, and they will honor you. 4 The authorities are God's servants, sent for your good. But if you are doing wrong, of course you should be afraid, for they have the power to punish you. They are God's servants, sent for the very purpose of punishing those who do what is wrong. 5 So you must submit to them, not only to avoid punishment, but also to keep a clear conscience. 6 Pay your taxes, too, for these same reasons. For government workers need to be paid. They are serving God in what they do.
The choice is up to each of us of course. Our desire is to follow God's Word. No we don't succeed every day, our flesh wants to complain and grumble - only by His Strength can we do what's right.

Wanted to share that great idea and one more thing to consider...
Hilary Wanted A Wall Too!
It is all so fascinating trying to understand the truth and all sides to news stories and world events, including history.  Something we discovered regarding this wall debate, was during the last presidential election. It has become clear how much mainstream media and such, would make adamant negative statements about Donald Trump. Yet when we looked past MSM, we learned how the truth was obscured and the opponent's were often slanted/elevated to look innocent of any wrongdoing, vilifying in this case, Mr. Trump and it hasn't stopped since.

Sadly this is a historical problem since the invention of media.  When you research past the MSM and public opinion, turns out the "innocent" are not so innocent (not meaning a wall is wrong- you know what I mean). Here is one fact that pertains to the wall talk. Many don't know that in 2006, Hilary Clinton also supported building a wall on the same border! The video below shows how similar the two are inspite of his many critics. Just want to help cause people to not take everything at face value, ask questions, research (only if you want to of course).

Obama Sent Troops Too!
And even in 2010 Obama sent troops to that border.  Click here for this article in the Guardian.
Yet unfortunately, the ongoing vitriol continues from the Democratic supporters and others. It just doesn't make sense. It doesn't hurt to be more objective.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Take The Red Pill? Or The Blue Pill?: Fake News Is Real

A couple of years ago, we first began to hear more about something called "Fake News." For those of us who have chosen to take  "the Red Pill" ( a reference to the movie, "The Matrix,) the term may sound familiar. The simplest way to define fake news is to say that mainstream media (the companies we are most familiar with like, CNN, NBC, CBS, Washington Post, and such) presents what they are told to tell us, the public. Reporting maybe some of the facts, but omitting or altering whatever it is the deem necessary. The only time I can imagine that sparing the masses from the details of the truth as reasonable, may be to try to prevent paranoia, panic, chaos and anarchy. For instance say, if  the experts discover that the reason behind the mysterious booms being heard around America, are because the super volcano at Yellowstone is about to erupt very soon, causing an extinction levelling event. It would possibly make sense to withhold every detail about those findings. There are many scenarios you could use to justify presenting "fake news" or very edited news to protect society from erupting (pun intended). Yet, many of us would prefer to know the absolute truth no matter what the consequences may be. 
Operation Mockingbird
In fact decades ago, the Central Intelligence Agency or CIA, initiated Operation Mockingbird.  Watch  below, this video excerpt and learn more about Operation Mockingbird official government documents here at the Black Vault. As well as check out this article here to learn more. Contrary to what others say, Operation Mockingbird is not an "alleged," it's real. 

Fake News basically means, that what we are presented with by mainstream media sources, isn't reported exactly as it really happened. Like most of us, I grew up believing everything I heard on the news, just as is. No questions asked. We  accepted that what they told us, we could believe, blind trust really. What we heard or watched (and even what we were taught in school) formed our opinions on people, places, things, history....everything. Once I learned that we could dig deeper and question events because the accounts don't not make sense, my world changed. Sounds strange I know. The thought of not trusting what we were told just never entered my mind. 

The John F Kennedy assassination was the first historical event that I discovered, did not compute. But once I heard the actual facts versus the Warren Commission report, a light bulb went off and there was no way to make the two stories compatible. Research what the masses were told and then witness accounts and the evidence.

At first it was exciting to share what you learn, but as time passes, you do realize it is best to not tell everyone you know. They tend to look at you like you're not playing with a full deck of cards. However, once you begin to see, there is no turning back. Like how I felt once I realized Jesus Christ is Who the Bible says he is, my life would never be the same again. My conscience can't handle accepting anything that doesn't make sense. And now, since the age of the internet made information sharing instant, research can be easy but overwhelming. The key concern is don't believe every source you read or watch. Weed through information or alternate media sites and learn who is credible. Question, question, question. There definitely are those conspiracy theorists who may have a wee bit too much time on their hands, allowing their imaginations to run  beyond wild. The earth really is round and the Mandela effect was made up! Now that I got that off my chest, I consider myself a conspiracy theorist, but that means I want to learn facts, what is fake versus real. 

Yes, it's easier to believe whatever mainstream media tells us. We don't have to think and can  just cruise along life accepting anything without question. That is what is meant by taking the proverbially, " Blue Pill. Since the Bible says, in Hosea 4: 6a  My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge...I think it is a good thing to want to know the truth about things. I am sure this verse means knowledge about God's Truth and not "how did the twin towers really come down?" But I don't think it hurts to seek and ask question in all areas of life, especially if it doesn't line up right.
Mark Dice Talks About Operation Mockingbird Here,

The CIA controls the media. Watch this clip below:
Truth stream Media Talks About Fake Media

Channels We Recommend: The Watchman Current Events And Bible Prophecy

My husband and I enjoy this channel pretty much daily because he compiles relevant news stories that we normally wouldn't see. As far as we can tell,  he posts a new video daily.  As well, he combines Scripture and how current events prove Bible prophecy is being fulfilled. The channel is called 
The Watchman The Most Recent December 12, 2018

The Most Recent December 6, 2018

Considering Corona Conspiracies Carefully

We just posted a video yesterday about the challenges we experience, especially during these difficult times. But as fluid as life is late...