Sunday, March 22, 2020

Considering Corona Conspiracies Carefully

We just posted a video yesterday about the challenges we experience, especially during these difficult times. But as fluid as life is lately, by the end of the day, yesterday, I started considering some ideas floating out there on YouTube channels we watch. So we still take 
the virus seriously, believe it exists, but we are remembering what we learned years ago, to ask questions - especially when what we are presented with just isn't making sense. Even if we have questions and doubts, we support following orders our government gives (unless it goes against God's laws of course.) Assuming that we are being told the truth, we still like to research. No matter what we hear, we will never consider the strangest theory of all, that the earth is flat.  L. A.  Marzulli says, go to the edge of the earth, take a photo of it and then I will believe you. 
As for this new Corona strain of virus, yes, there are plenty of persons out there in conspiracy world believing this is not as serious as the influenza virus that kills a lot of people every single year. (Worth researching those statistics) 

The two big conspiracies so far, is that this is the 5G network causing illness, but they don't want to tell us. Aparently 5G hasn't even been started up yet. (There are a tonne of fears about 5G- worth investigating) 

And the other theory is based around the possibility that  this is a way for the new World Order to set up or "happen." Pointing to how the world looks right now. Removing most citizens from daily civilian life, off the streets- all over the world - basically all at the same time! We watch some of these channels for enjoyment and interest, but definitely are not saying believe all their theories. There are legitimate questions however.

Is all  this a distraction while something else is happening? (notice we don't hear a word about anything else on the mainstream news.) The whole world has been ordered to Social Distance (just like they were told in the movie Contagion), to stay 6 feet apart from each other. Schools are shut down, non-essential workers laid off or put on hold, church gatherings, concerts, conferences, huge athletic activities the NBA and NHL, all put on hold or cancelled. The World Economy facing dark times, all  Resulting in what appears to be no more protests, and even terrorism (I am about to look that one up.) 

Silence basically, no more protesting or people out there stirring things up and such. We learned a long while ago, to not believe every single word spoken in the mainstream media and believe in questioning a lot of what we are told. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it probably is a duck! What started to wake me up, was the first time I saw the movie called JFK, with Kevin Costner. About the assassination of John F Kennedy. It was based on the true account of Judge Jim Garrison, who tried to prove that Harvey Lee Oswald was not the lone shooter. The injuries did not compute with the laws of physics. What happened to me was what they call being  "Red Pilled." If you ever watched the Matrix, the main character Neo, is given the option to either take the Red Pill (if he does, he will not be able to go back to his old life and will know the cold hard truth about what's really going on.) Or he could take the blue pill, that meant of course, he would not be awaken to reality and continue living as he was, in the "dark." 

Then 9/11 happened. At first I questioned nothing, believing all they said on the news. But as time went by, documentaries (a good one is called LOOSE CHANGE). And instantly, 
none of it made sense. It wasn't something you can talk about too much because those I know and love, except my husband, look at us like we are not playing with a full deck. But that doesn't matter because when you begin asking questions about the obvious things that just plum, don't make sense, you can not keep believing what you were told. Same with the JFK assassination. Try it, think about the laws of physics and how they do not appear to apply in these events. Two huge, steel reinforced towers would never be ble to drop straight down in ten/eleven seconds flat. Reduced basically to a heap of dust. That's only the first part of a multi-layered onion. So many inconsistencies and illogicality.

What To Do About Covid-19 Then?
Do what the governments are telling you. And kudos to those who stopped travelling from the first day word got out. And to those self isolating two months ago, suspecting something was coming, way to go. Sadly some of our governments took longer than they should have to make big decisions about lock downs. But we refuse to live in "What if land." We believe there is a real virus, but it may not be as bad as the regular influenza outbreaks. However, we can ask and research, but until we see concrete information stating otherwise, Err on the side of caution. We definitely trust that Bible prophecy is being fulfilled. Read Matthew 24, Luke 21And Mark 13 and Revelation 6. And well, of course those whole Bible is God's inerrant Word. Because of Him, we have peace no matter what happens. Psalm 23.

Trust in Jesus. He really is the Only Way, The Truth and the Life. We know this based on trying life a part from Him and then spending thirty plus years with Him. A relation not a religion is what He offers. We wouldn't be here without Him. Thankfully, God our Father knows all things. We trust in Thee One Who knows what is conspiracy fact and fiction. Thankfully, He can handle our questions.

Be safe and remember don't touch your face but don't be afraid!

Considering Corona Conspiracies Carefully

We just posted a video yesterday about the challenges we experience, especially during these difficult times. But as fluid as life is late...