Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Welcome To This That And All Other Stuff!

Welcome to this that and all other stuff. This is a place to share all that doesn't fit in with my other blog topics. That means, the subject possibilities are endless! Everything from the earth is flat?, yes really, some think that... to Strange Sky Sounds and Sights, giants, the supernatural, the illuminati, 9/11, JFK....

Never heard of conspiracy theories nor did I know what it meant until the day I watched Oliver Stone's JFK movie. Up until that fateful day, I never questioned events as they were reported or recorded in history. Discovering there were humongous discrepancies in the Warren Commission report and that eye witnesses were not all taken into account, some even "disappeared. Not to mention, once I learned the magic bullet story, it was unbelievable that the world just believed what they were told. Ask no questions, accept anything even if there is zero logic. Since those day of enlightenment, I now know to question all mainstream media. Ye, question it. And yes, there is something called "fake News" or should I say, "Fake News IS Real!' Ever hear of Project Mockingbird? If you can't wait until we talk about what it was/is, just Google it.

Needless to say, since those days, the internet was invented and now we get to research anything we want. I admit, there are topics that I wish I didn't know about like Satanic Ritual Abuse and the MKULTRA Mind control program. And yet, I now consider it my responsibility to share what I have learned and am learning with anyone who wants to walk life as an informed person. We take so much for granted, those of us in simple, quiet lives in peaceful countries. It us quite the eye opener to realize that there are mind boggling things going on all around us and even close to our own homes. So if you are interested in being an informed citizen, are just curious but don't know where to begin, the come along for the ride. Well you know what I am trying to say.
Thank you for stopping by, see you soon!

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